Trading Terms and Conditions

Standard Terms & Conditions Of Carriage (And Related Services)

Whether acting as your agent or as a principal, as a minimum, all and any business undertaken in relation to the transportation of items and their temporary storage during or whilst awaiting transportation or collection, including any related advice, information or service provided whether gratuitously or not, is transacted subject to the British International Freight Association (“BIFA”) Standard Trading Conditions ( latest Edition) available at this hyperlink HERE.  In particular, your attention is drawn to Clauses 23 to 27 which set out the limits of the Company’s liability.

Additional terms and conditions may be set out expressly in your Quote, Booking Confirmation or Booking Note and will be strictly applicable.

Standard Terms & Conditions Of Warehousing

As a minimum, all and any business undertaken in relation to the storage and warehousing of Goods, including any related services, advice or information, provided whether gratuitously or not, is transacted subject to an Amended Version of the United Kingdom Warehouse Association (“UKWA”) Standard Trading Conditions, available at this hyperlink HERE.